Mira Costa High School Junior Among Top Six in National Young Entrepreneurs Competition

Mira Costa High School Junior Among Top Six in National Young Entrepreneurs Competition

Manhattan Beach, CA – Maia Rocha, a talented junior at Mira Costa High School, advanced to the top six entrepreneurs nationwide in the Saunders Scholars competition on May 3rd. After winning her semi-finals round, Maia’s innovative productivity app, Doing Done, garnered significant attention for its utility in helping students manage their academic tasks.

Doing Done, available as a web app atdoingdone.fun and for download on the Apple App Store, features a comprehensive time management system, including a calendar that notes To Do dates and Due dates, a pomodoro timer that sets 25 minute work periods and 5 minute breaks, and kanbans with To Do, Doing, and Done lists. Originally developed to help Maia manage her ADHD and excel in her AP classes, the app is proving beneficial for all students seeking better task management.

Maia is currently seeking Beta users to further refine the app’s features and usability. Interested parties are encouraged to visit the website or download the app to become part of this exciting development phase.

For more information about Doing Done or the Young Entrepreneurs Academy, please visit Manhattan Beach Chamber of Commerce.

For more information about the Young Entrepreneurs Academy, please visit Manhattan Beach Chamber of Commerce.

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